Distant Learning
General information
Study at home. The courses offered by CUTS rely on regular supplies of textbooks, study guides and an analysis of the subject material in each chapter. Some courses include all these, while others may require only one of these methods of study.
All distance course offered are designed to be equivalent to the work on the ground. Distant working requires a lot of discipline and research. The student can obtain research books in our Virtual Library, your local library, a university library or his own studio. All assigned courses will include instruction and study guides.
Distance learning standards
Complete a course
We suggest that students of distance-learning study only a course at a time. When each course is completed, you must mail the course to the seminar. Once a course is corrected, the grade sheet will be formally sent to the student.
We ask students to strive to complete a course of four hours each month. If more time is needed for a student to complete their degree or program, the student is instructed to contact the seminar for an extension of time. Under normal circumstances the extra time is granted.
If the seminar does not receive any written communication from the student for 90 days, the seminar has the right to disenroll the student.
Any student who has been discharged must pay a reinstatement fee if they wish to be reinstated along with any additional tuition increases that may have occurred.
Preparation and delivery of lessons
All lessons presented at the Seminar will be written down on paper 18 1/2 x 11 inches on one side. Typed lessons are preferred, but not necessary. The student must make copies of their work in order to protect against the loss of the lessons through an email. A cover sheet including the student’s name, address, student number and the course name should be sent with each course. Each assignment page should be numbered accordingly.
All assignments must be legible and clearly written; where the instructor will have no problem in deciding what the student has written. All assignments, research papers or thesis should have a margin of 1-1 / 2 inch at the top and the left side of the paper. There must be a margin of 1 inch at the bottom and right side. The student should check their spelling and observe the rules of good English.
All lessons shipped by mail to the seminary must be paid by the student. Insufficient postage will be charged to the student’s account and must be repaid by the student to the seminary. All lessons and assignments must be sent to the seminary as soon as they have been finished.
Any change of name or address of the student should be reported promptly to the secretary. This will help the seminary maintain an accurate record of the student’s status. Full instructions are included in the book issued to each student.
Time limit on studies
Since all programs of study are allocated on the basis of a -year working together, it is expected that the student can complete assignments in a year. However, should circumstances arise causing a delay in carrying out studies, a one-year extension may be granted if a written request is made.